Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Desk Top

Hello World.

It's been a while since I last blogged and I need to step my game. My friend and I went to a bloggers meeting held here in Chicago a couple of weeks ago. There were interesting tid bits and there were many things I learned upon hearing HARDCORE bloggers giving out pointers on how to brand posts and such. Yeah. It was never my intention of making money or becoming famous but dyum... you should have seen those bloggers. They are all sorts of amazing.

Anyway, haven't made much progress for the last couple of months but hopefully I can finally stop being lazy and get my laptop fixed. That and buy a new digital tablet. Below are illustrations you may and may not have seen before.

Also, I am enabling the reply tab but I highly doubt that anyone will even care to reply. LULz. Please stop spamming :( For those projects I have lined up, I am on it. My laptop is broken and I can't do much work. I will get to it soon.


Finally changed my wallpaper! Huzzah!
Legend of the Seeker: Darken Rahl


  1. Ur the shitsZZZ! I'm glad that you're back.

  2. LEGEND OF THE SEEKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
